I’m just talking to myself…


I’m Caroline.

I usually feel like I am standing on shaky ground. But I’m learning to say, without thoughts of inadequacy, that I am a writer. I always have been, I just didn’t know it.

I’m surprised to find myself here — with this newsletter, this space — and I am proud and grateful.

I’m here because I need to write. Because I need to read and connect.

I like talking to myself. But I love talking to you.

I offer nothing but my honesty in written form every Saturday. To keep sharing my stories and intentionally splitting open my chest and letting us all poke around inside. To feel the journey. To touch it. To smell it. To, hopefully, learn. And I pray that you do too.

There is beauty in vulnerability, resiliency, and the wisdom that arises from sharing and connecting.

With each week I wiggle freer, inch by inch, from self and societal-imposed expectations that don’t serve me. They never did.

And with each passing day, I grow surer that only by exposing my fullness can I wholly heal and rest.

Join me? I need to know you.

Jordan K Lancaster via Instagram

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Braindump: Musings From an Overactive Mind. Short bursts of clarity amongst the daily chaos. Gallows humor and overthinking since...actually, I can't remember when I wasn't this way. Aiming to soften the edges, but no promises.


Archivist. Historian. Writer. Former dodger of feelings, now seeking softness.