“We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.” - CS Lewis

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Caroline, you write extremely well.

Ah, the self. Ever our nearest worst enemy and companion.

This piece is poignant and helpful.

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Ken, I so appreciate this. Thank you!!

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Thank you 🙏

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Caroline, this is my favorite of yours and that’s high praise. Self discovery, spiritual imagery, old people jokes and the white witch? You’re cooking with gas! ps I love picturing little Caroline in New Orleans….were you jumping into second lines when you could walk?

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Ahh this comment has me walking on sunshine!!! Thank you!!!

Haha I wish, I was never that smooth!

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you go gurl!

just waitin' now to hear you're dating Joe Walsh! 😚😜

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Author

Hahahahahaha that would certainly be something to write about

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Aug 3Liked by Caroline

I’ve felt exactly this way: if I judge myself first maybe it will sting less when others do it. It really makes you wonder whose wounds these are and where the voices come from. Love that this comes to light by embracing what you love no matter what form it takes or who may have opinions about it! AARP unleashed 🔥

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Yes!! And if I start making jokes about myself then others will think I’m funny and not a loser…ahhh to unlearn it all. 😊

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Imagine being the makeup artist having THEEEE most front row seat to Stevie singing!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭 Goosebumps every damn time I see that video!

Caroline, this was riveting. To think the world could have potentially gone without your unique blend of beauty, sly humor, strength, heart, and most of all your wildly special weirdness makes me so deeply grateful that you said fuck that and walked through the fire and slayed demon dragons anyway!! AARP concert had me laughing in tearssss. That is SO YOU. You’re incredible and bring so much joy to my life. This was such a gorgeous read. I always have the time of my life reading your words and I’m in awe of your soul. Thank you. 🥹❤️‍🔥

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I could sob!!! You’re the best hype person around!! I’m so grateful because I fear I’d be screaming and crying into the void otherwise. This path is so much easier with other people. That’s the best lesson I’ve learned!!

You’ve made me feel like a rock star!!! But you’re one too ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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Aug 3Liked by Caroline

"Making peace with all my parts..." - this is such a great post. All of it. Thank you.

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Thank you so much! I’m delighted you’re here 😊

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Aug 29Liked by Caroline

This is my favorite 💖 love you, gold dust woman

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Ahhhh I love you so much!!!

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I love how you realized that the demon didn’t need slaying but taming! We need all parts of us, even the ones that scare and overwhelm us. As usual, a beautiful self exploration!!!

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Thank you so much, Lindsey! Always, always learning 💗

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You're so weird, Caroline!!!!!!

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Hahaha thank you!!!!!

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Powerfully written. ✨

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Thank you 😊

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P.S. I have avoided AARP like the plague, but that's an age denial thing or the fact that it sounds like a long whoopee cushion sound 😭

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This is an unreal piece of writing! and it was your dog that helped me discover you! I am 63 and it took a pandemic and a final blow to my gut/heart for me to fully, 100% slay the tenacious, artsy-fartsy old soul that is me. I relate to being fiercely independently minded and often too deep for most. Worked on getting back up, when I thought I was too much to be living -- and never let anyone or anything ever dim my light ever again. I saw Nurse Kristin follows you. She's my super hero. Glad I found you and your writing! Your yoga instructor was right.

Live for heaven is what I say (or C.S. Lewis 😉 ) and keep going forward 👊🏻

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This is an amazing comment, thank you!! And we got here! We made it through and we’re still kicking. Yay us!!! So happy we connected 🤍

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So happy to connect! Love your writing!

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Caroline, you are extraordinary. Extraordinarily talented as a writer, and extraordinarily gifted at communicating a world of emotion and human experience through your words. You truly amaze me.

I reread so many parts of this just letting it wash over me. Never stop writing. 🤍

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You are so kind that it astounds me!!! You’ve got me feeling like a rock star! I hope you know that you are one too!! ❤️‍🔥

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You should always be feeling like a rock star. If I'm being honest, your writing makes me feel quite inadequate- it's too good! But I am choosing to feel inspired instead of despairing 🥲😍

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Inadequate could NEVER describe you nor your writing!! Seriously!! But I know that feeling, there’s so many talented writers on here I often think about quitting.

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I got so excited on Saturday about this piece that I didn’t realize I didn’t hit the heart button. 😂😮‍💨

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Ahaha you get a pass, always!!! 🫂

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Wow, what a compelling and inspiring piece, Caroline! Your journey from self-doubt to self-acceptance resonates deeply with me.

How you described the concert and its lasting influence is both moving and relatable. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the moments that seem small or unexpected can lead to significant personal growth.

Your essay is a beautiful reminder that weirdness is indeed a superpower and that the journey of self-discovery is worth every step. Keep rocking on! ✌️

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Aww Saumya thank you so much!! I also love that you highlight how easy it is to overlook the “big” moments when they are happening. Sometimes it takes years to be able to draw those lines of connection 🤍

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This is great!

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Thank you!!!

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