I love your hero post, Caroline! I've been debating about writing one myself. Well done!

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It’s been all the rage and I love a good trend. Do it!!

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Love this! Your writing is beautiful and the imagery is engaging. Please keep writing!

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Awesome! I love the idea of favorites added in there!

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-- What an incredible profile! It provides insight into the many layers of your kind soul, C. Thanks for the mention alongside these amazing individuals! xo.

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Thank you, my friend!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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A hero post!!! I love this one, especially :) such a wise way to signal who you are and what to expect--I’ve got to get one going. Thanks for the inspiration! 🧡

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Ahhhh thank you!!! You are the best! And I’ll annoy you all tomorrow with another email ☺️

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Love this! And it’s so wonderful getting to know a bit more about you too. ❤️

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Thank you!!! I’ve been wanting to do this and finally made it a priority today ❤️

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"I’ve learned to say, without thoughts of inadequacy, that I am a writer." Yes yes Yes you are! I am absolutely honored to be included here! I'm so very grateful for you my friend!

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Hi Caroline, happy to have found this post and your newsletter. I quite liked the imagery of the sobbing treadmill. Reminds me of @Jesspan and her sauna experience. Looking forward to reading more :)

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Thank you so much!!! There is something so cathartic and soothing about moving your body and crying lol

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Hi 👋🏼 so lovely to know more about you and I’m thrilled you found value in my reflections to write your own hero ❣️ this is brilliant and I love the quick fun facts of you 🙏🏼

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Thank you so much for the inspiration ❤️

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This is amazing Caroline, I love this idea. I feel like I just got to know you better. 🤍

I’m so honored to have been mentioned. Thank you!

Also, I think you may be the only person whose “hero post” feels so much like “them,” and makes one want to subscribe instantly.

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STOP, you humble me! But I did read a lot of posts and feel like I didn’t learn anything about the person behind the text...maybe I this technically isn’t a hero post lol

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“Better than a hero post” 🤍🤍

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A joy to get to know you a little better ❤️🎶

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sweet caroline

Lonesome Dove!!! you never fail to surprise and delight and again those unseen vital connectors as i feel with others mentioned here and this time when mulling over next damned obscured thing to scrawl i just quoted a song by James McMurtry Larry's son to set whatever the tone will be but within yours and others you admire as well tolerance/patience it feels safe to risk a patch of ice even fall occasionally your encouragement

acknowledgement is cherished as is your instinctive honest courage💜

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And running to look up James McMurtry. My dad and I were just laughing about the Oak Ridge Boys.

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if i get this post written (and never a sure bet given the distractions at large and mostly made up.....go "manic depression"! right? ) at all you will see the song title its a really damn good one bet you'd like it as it narrates a real "story" unlike some.... not surprising i've never written a song it would to judge by my writing have to be all about me again " lol " but weakly defended ha

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Thank you so much!! It means a lot!!

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What a great idea. I love the it-just-makes-sense feel of having something like this to introduce yourself and your writing. I appreciate the links/categories for your earlier writing that make them so accessible. I’m looking forward to reading more. And thank you—I’m humbled (subtext: shocked lol) by your mentioning my writing!

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I've been seeing people talk about doing this all week, and figured I would follow the crowd! But you are right, it just makes sense.

I love your writing so much!!!!

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I didn't know this was called a "hero post," but now I know why. So well done, and as others have written, something for us all to be inspired by.

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David, This means so much!! Thank you 😊

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Thank you for putting this together! Your creativity shines unstoppably! Your life is beautiful and thanks for sharing it crying on the treadmill and all ❤️❤️❤️

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You mean so much to me!!!

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A hero post!!! I love this one, especially :) such a wise way to signal who you are and what to expect--I’ve got to get one going. Thanks for the inspiration! 🧡

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-- Really inspiring!

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