Thank you for this exploration. I recently read Hayley Mills autobiography and was surprised to find Zsa Zsa’s daughter pop up in there. Hiding in heavy clothes, awkward on a hot day. Sounds like she struggled being in her mother’s shadow. Must be very difficult to be the child of one of these larger than life characters.

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Julie, thank you!! I’ll have to get the Mills book but I agree about Francesca — that must have been a terribly unique and daunting experience.

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Yes, indeed to be the child of a ‘star’ is more curse than blessing, I feel.

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I’ve been under the weather the past couple of days and this was just what I needed to give me some rejuvenation!!! 😍 Green Acres!!!! So many memories watching that. My mom always got a kick out of the Gabors. I always loved them because you could tell they were exactly who they wanted to be. I am obsessed with this new series. 💥 And now I’ve GOT TO READ THEIR MEMOIRS!!!

Have so much fun with your brother!! Can’t wait for your return 🫶🏼

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Ahhhh I hope you are feeling better!!! What a cute picture — both of us watching when we were little. Further proves our need for connection. I’m so excited! Thank you for encouraging me and helping bluster me through this experience 🤍💎🤍

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ohhhh i get it...like the All-Star Break bur for Caroline! 🤣

i will say this: nit surprised Zsa Zsa is not a give name (nor some of the body parts 😜)

sorry im just putting in my own bud for Dingus of the Week

write when you get work

have fun

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

Sari Gabor not as exciting as Zsa Zsa.

And Dingus of the Week goes to husband number two — Conrad Hilton.

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hers i assume not yours😊

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Love this, Caroline! And intrigued by that third sister.

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Thank you!! I can report that she was also much married! And like Zsa Zsa, one time to George Sanders.

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I love the leap you make that authenticity can also mean who and how you choose to be, rather than needing to pass some narrow alignment check with your own inner truth, or meet some moral bar (role model). It’s funny how we attempt to define or enforce authenticity, and when you try to put a finger on it, it can slip away just as playfully.

Here’s to Eva Gabor’s role as Ms. Bianca in the Rescuers movies, darling! And all the ways we can have a bit more fun expressing ourselves.

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Right?! Because who defines and enforces authenticity anyway. And like with all other things in life, it’s a spectrum.

Yes! Her and Bob Newhart. Though I must say the Aristocats was my favorite.

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I found the Gabor sisters exotic. Thanks for the insights! Ruby Wax’s interview with Zsa Zsa sticks in my mind - it was funny and fascinating.

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That is a great video!! Thank you so much 😊

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Just rewatching the clips for the first time since I originally saw them. Once on Ruby's chat show; and the one where she goes to Zsa Zsa's house. Very funny!

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I'll have to go watch that one!

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Thank you for sharing. I am an aspiring writer and I truly love reading other peoples' work.' The Gabor sisters were something in their day...As much as we laughed at them we all secretly wanted to be them...

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Thank you so much!! And I agree with that, there was a bit of jealousy in all our projection on them!

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I am so excited about this series! I can’t wait.

I remember Green Acres and this blond woman! I also started thinking about all the shows I used to watch on Nick at Night and TBS, like Bewitched and Donna Reed (all blond and thin women actually). They all had it together as moms and wives. I wonder now how that impacted my sense of self! Lots to think about.

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Yes!! The cringy projection that all moms are always made up and always happy…we will tackle the lies!!

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Jul 17Liked by Caroline

I, too grew up with the Gabor sisters! Looking to reading more. May be helpful with my own re-invention!

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Yes, I love this!!

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Caroline, always your words suck me right in. I didn’t really get the allure of the Gabor’s but reading your interpretation, I get it now. I think reinvention is an ABSOLUTE must in our journeys. Without it life would be so static. It’s so much more fun when we can play with our own nuance at whatever volume it makes sense for us (it seems like for the Gabor’s it was an Dolby surround sound 😂)

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Sri, this makes such sense! And I recognize that my initial allure was totally superficial -- you're shiny and bright, so I like you. And then you grow up and realize that's a gross reason to be drawn to someone, and that there must be more depth. THERE MUST BE.

I'm going to need you to oversee my summer reading...too much TV watching is happening 😂

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soooo wonderful YOU DESERVE A BREAK!!! I'll expect some Delilah pics :-D

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I’ve only taken 30 so far today lol

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I love the idea behind the new series, looking forward to more. I have to say I was shamefully unaware of the Gabor’s , other than the name familiarity, so this was a really interesting read. I love the reflection on living authentically and unapologetically, I think we can all use a little bit more of that. And the visual of keeping “old Caroline” around without having her always on display struck me as really profound.

The rest of July won’t be the same without your art, but I’ll look forward to August and keep an eye out for your notes. Enjoy your brother’s company!

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Their frivolity makes me smile, so I hope it did for you too! I’m really just trying to see the nuance more clearly in all of us!

I’ll still be here checking all the delicious writing 🤍

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Cool new series! May your adventures be filled with amazing love. 🙏🌹

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Thank you for always showing up, my friend 🤍

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Cool new series! Stay loving in all of your adventures! 🙏🌹❤️

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The important question is: do you have aforementioned feather boa?!

I love this piece, Caroline! So fun to imagine little you and the "eclectic seniors" immersed in this world of the Gabors. What a gift! You illuminate such an important lesson - we have the power to become who we want to be. And we can transform our identities without throwing our younger layers in the bin. All parts inform the whole - maybe the art of becoming is learning how all those parts can be most useful to our desired way of being in the world. All those beautiful nuances.

Quick story because I recently experienced this identity reshaping quite sharply. It's been a lifelong dream to be a movement teacher. For many years, bought into the "idea" of authenticity, I wasn't in touch with this desire - and the pieces wouldn't snap into place. Eventually I Just chose it. Xommitted to my desire, and Last time I saw Luke, he filmed me teaching for an upcoming workshop. When I watched the video back, I had this moment of resistance. 'Wait, that's me? Doing the thing I always wanted to do? Becoming the person I always wanted to become?" My vision and psyche hadn't quite caught up to my body - I was already doing it! I just had to accept that it was me.

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I don't have a boa and that is a real tragedy!!!

Faye, I'm so proud of you for saying yes to what feels most you. I can see it happening, I see you -- it's weird because transformation comes to mind and yet it's always been you, as you are. It's funny how it works that way. I'm so grateful!

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I'm having a vivid image of us dancing around in feather boas right now...

I see the same happening with you, Caroline. The plot points coming together, your voice so strong! I could recognize your writing anywhere. It is so interesting, the process of transformation. Like sculpture revealing a caramel center.

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