hi mom! hi dad! look...if theres any familial guilt left over truck it my way so i can bombard YOU and not your over-indulgent daughter with short clips of my dogs up to all sorts of (tiresome) mischief....by deflecting you'd be doing her an even greater service than you have already raising a delughtfully deep and kind and poetic daughter....can she cook too? 😉🤣

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He’ll be stalking the comments, no doubt!

No, this family believes in keeping men in the kitchen—he’s the chef.

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i just put it in there in case Lyz was lurking 😉

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you should be so lucky 🙈

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This a refreshing perspective of my own personal Substack journey. I am showing up as a stranger in a strange land, being vulnerable, and those closest to me are not aware of this side.

I love that your dad was Googling you and am grateful that my mother isn't able to Google me. Finding my written word on Google is very rewarding, but we certainly can't hide each part of us. And there are some parts that if found out, that will only cause confusion.

Again... Thanks for sharing your words there is so much truth behind them.

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Thank you so much, Karen. There’s such a safety in keeping things to ourselves and I think that’s helpful for a while, we just can’t get stuck there 🤍

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The sunshine is needed for growth!

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What a lovely story! It reminded me of my (over)thinking about the words “undefended” and “defenseless.” It seems to me that one can be “undefended” but still have defenses (those just-in-case defenses lol). But maybe true vulnerability does require the surrendering of all weapons.

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Over thinkers united!!

You have been an essential part of this process for me. Thank you for showing up and helping give me the courage to be defenseless 🤍🤍

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♡ ♡ ♡

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I love the potential here for you - scary, yes, to show our loved ones the sides of us they may not have seen, but oh, it can be so refreshing, most especially because they might just nod & then reveal their hidden sides, too. My parents have followed my writing from the beginning, and there is always a bit of an editor on my shoulder…but that has gotten easier, too. And we’ve learned a few things about each other. Love your work!!

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Robin, thank you so much!! I’ve definitely already heard “you should tell them x about me.” Lolol

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What amazing things happen when you can surrender to love, accept and allow those around to you to love you. What a wonderful article, Caroline! I'm glad your parents were so supportive!

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Thank you so much!! I know how lucky I am! 🤍

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Oh wowie wow this is BIG! What an amazing gift that it has been so generously received. Kudos to your family! I experience all your trepidations, too, and have been delighted to discover that almost all that wants to tumble out is love love love. But then again, nobody asked to be in a family with a writer :)

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Haha they may not have asked for us but look what they got!! I think we’re delightful.

Thank you for helping me tend to this nest and find my voice. I’ll be grateful forever! 🤍

Loving this new profile pic!!

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Your writing consistently amazes me and prompts me to reconsider things with a gentler perspective. xx

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Thaissa, you’ve been tending to this nest with me since day one!! I cannot offer enough thanks. Deep deep bow! 🤍

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Day one feels like yesterday, yet it has been such a full journey of growth! ♡ ♡ ♡

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Openness and honesty. So refreshing.

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Thank you so much 😊

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I LOVE THIS. I see you and your vulnerability and I share it with you. Very few people in my real life know about my newsletter and a lot of it has been keeping this corner of the world tucked into the secret places of my heart. You’ve made me really reconsider and think about embracing and allowing love and support into my life in all its shapes and forms. ❤️

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What I love most about this comment (and many of these comments), is that I just assumed that everyone had told their families and I was the only one withholding! Lolol. We’re all so much of the same the more you examine us. 🤍🤍🤍

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I resonated with your article in an opposite way. I am super close to my family and few friends. So naturally, I announced the launch of my substack a million times till they remembered the url and remembered to subscribe and remembered to read. No pressure - since I always felt like this is a way to write in long-form directly TO them. BUT i felt every single emotion you're feeling thinking about strangers reading my words. I'm still coming around to accepting my voice as my voice, and the insane kindness on this platform. Anyway!!! Lots of love to you!

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Yes, I’ve been blown away by the kindness of complete strangers! That’s why I’m still here, chugging along. They helped me see the value in my voice and now I get to share that with my loved ones.

Thank you 😊

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This is my worst fear 😂 but now I’m thinking that maybe it doesn’t have to be. I assume that this weird space of wanting to hide and wanting to be seen simultaneously is an inevitable part of being a writer or an artist. And how amazing your parents are so supportive! So sweet. Keep writing as always, never clip those beautiful wings🖤

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The internal panic I had was next level. I even thought for a second “can I delete it before he sees it?” But I don’t want to give this up. Melding everything together is the only way. Thank you 🤍

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The P.S. comment is priceless! Lol! But what she said here is the key:

“But I cannot preemptively sever myself from the possibility of being seen, held, and encouraged just because sometimes I won’t be.”

Spot on, my beauty, don’t you dare change a thing! ❤️

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I’m always going to take their money 🤣

I’ll do my very best!!

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Oh wow, I completely understand the feelings around this. I feel like people who’ve known us all our lives don’t always know the full person we’ve become and it’s scary to show our full selves to them when we don’t know exactly how we will be received. You’re blessed to have such a supportive family. 🤍 I love the theme of this piece. Jump in, show up with vulnerability, go all in, let yourself be loved fully. So much yes. ❤️‍🔥

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My goodness is it scary to be vulnerable!! But we’re doing it and I’m so proud of us!! ❤️❤️

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Wonderful story of you and your family! Having a family that truly want to watch you over grow your wings is Wonderful. (and maybe fact check lol). This is pure love of who you're; you feel energised and fulfilled.

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They did fact check me…I was so worried and maybe it was all in my head!

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It's good when you know there is someone watching you write what they know.

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You had me at “nuclear grade weirdo”….what a sweet story of getting paternally Googled. I say take Vonnegut’s advice and “write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.” And let that one person be you ❤️

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Oh wow, I love that so much!!! Thank you for being here 🤍

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May 25Liked by Caroline

Putting into practice what you sense is the key to integration.

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Yes yes yes!!

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