“Their rivalry — whether exaggerated or wholly genuine — was a symptom of a world uneasy with their power.”


Some things persist, eh?

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SERIOUSLY!! It’s all cyclical…

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seeing the clip you include caused me no small shock of recognition in seeing the similarity between Bette and a neighbir and friend of mine for 20 years who succumbed to lung cancer not long ago...they were both gifted by inability to dissemble in any way but met world head on letting the personality, caustic humor and all shine through and seduce by bei g genuine if at times terrifying

such a thoro piece Caroline (hmmm does Lyz have competition now? 👹 😉🤣)

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Apple, I’m so sorry about your Friend! If they were anything like Bette, I’m sure I would have loved them too.

My friend called because now she’s walking around singing “whatever happened to baby Jane?” 🤣

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started something 🤣

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At the heart of these words lies a considerable strength, Caroline. Thank you!

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They were both Oscar winners, Davis winning twice and Crawford once, among many nominations for them both. So it was clearly the mechanisms of the studio system that worked against them, even more than each other.

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Absolutely!! Two magnificent performers! I often think of the photo of Joan receiving her Oscar in bed.

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You have to admit, this is a damn good movie: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

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I love it so much! And Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte 😳

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OMG that is a good one also!

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To this, I say, You said it sister, and to state is more precisely it was men pitting women against each other, they do it all the time for sport as if it is becoming, it is not, it is childish and baseless: And they perfectly mask a deeper, more insidious truth: society's compulsion to pit women against each other.

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Thank you so much!! It’s always so obvious in retrospect but we still fail to call it out in real time.

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They are conditioned to do it very early, and we are conditioned to pretend as though we do not see it occurring before I eyes!

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And when we call men out on the bs other women label us as being either angry (if a minority) or bitter (if a non-minority), it is gaslighting on steroids, and I am personally sick of the bullshit.

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Love this installment. Embarrassingly, I’ve not seen any of their films. You’ve brought them to life for me and now I want to see what this is all about!

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You must start with All About Eve. Low stakes drama and the wittiest dialogue ever. Thank you ☺️

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I’m loving these flippin’ the scripts! 🔥 Your takes are perfection as always! 👏👏👏

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Thank you, my friend 🥰❤️‍🔥

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Love your fascinating look at this epic feud….I think hate is as passionate as love at times, and as invigorating and addictive. They both seemed to be fueled by the battle and there’s no such thing as bad publicity, right?

Too bad they didn’t join forces, they could have kicked some ass as a duo. Perhaps in their next lives….

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I so agree. It comes from the same place and is super addictive. I’m reminded of an interview where Bette talked about how she never made friends with other big actresses…because they never saw each other — only room for one big female name per movie lol.

Except for The Women, where Joan is amazing!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Caroline

This was such a great read, Caroline! I really enjoyed. A lot of it was new information or historical background for me, even though I knew who both women were obviously. Your way of storytelling is really uncanny, and how you frame it in the historical context of Hollywood and society at large was pretty darn captivating. 🙏

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Mike, I don’t take this comment lightly. Thank you so so much 😊

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Another incredible Flippin’ the Script! WOW! Every line was so damn captivating. I didn’t want it to end!!!!

I love how you kick down all the bullshit surface-level assumptions to display the true heart and soul of these women, allowing us an accurate view to see them in their proper form. The way you elegantly guide our attention to what matters is expert level. 💥

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Thank you, my dear!!! It feels like a fun pet project that’s really just an excuse to talk through the weird shit in my head. But you finding any meaning here makes my heart EXPLODE ❤️‍🔥⚡️

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Truly one of my favorite reads!!!!! 😍

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All I could hear in my mind as I read this post was that song from the 80’s Betty Davis Eyes. 😂🤪

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Another great one!!!!!

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I’m on the oasis sibling rivalry, they are playing again after years of hiatus. I think it’s deep kind of love/energy that causes these things. Deep hate and love is coming from the same thing. In the end, it’s always good to subjugate ego for a craft greater than these strong emotions

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That’s an amazing way to look at it…it comes from the same place. And maybe because it shares an origin, they can transfer from hate to love!!

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To answer this question: Why are we so quick to accept the idea that women must be at each other’s throats? Because men are so quick to play women against one another, and women are so quick to pretend as if we do not realize we are being played like an out-of-tune piano!

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